WARNING - By their nature, text files cannot include scanned images and tables. The process of converting documents to text only, can cause formatting changes and misinterpretation of the contents can sometimes result. Wherever possible you should refer to the pdf version of this document. CAIRNGORMS NATIONAL PARK AUTHORITY Audit Committee Paper 6 15/12/06 CAIRNGORMS NATIONAL PARK AUTHORITY FOR DISCUSSION Title: OFFICE GREENING UPDATE Prepared by: David Cameron, Head of Corporate Services Purpose To present an update of progress made by the Authority’s Office Greening Group in implementing the Organisational Greening Policy and Targets for Action approved by the Board in March 2006. Recommendation The Committee is requested to: a) Note the progress made to date in implementing the Organisational Greening Policy and Targets for Action, as summarised in the paper. Executive Summary This paper presents a summary of main actions taken to date by the Authority’s Greening Group in implementing the Organisational Greening Policy and Targets for Action approved by the Board in March 2006. OFFICE GREENING UPDATE - FOR DISCUSSION Background 1. The Board agreed the Organisational Greening Policy and indicative action plan at its meeting in March 2006. The Board agreed that in refining and implementing the action plan, the Management Team should ensure that priority is given to those activities that would yield the greatest gain relative to input. 2. The Board agreed that reports on progress with the action plan should be brought back to the Audit Committee and to the Board in due course. This paper represents the first report back, covering activities since March. Progress on Greening Action Plan 3. The Authority has worked to implement the Greening Action Plan through a Greening Group, Chaired by the Head of Corporate Services, drawing staff representation from a number of Groups in the organisation and from both Grantown and Ballater offices. Direct staff representation on the Group, combined with the work on Greening Actions being undertaken by Group members and their colleagues, has sought to ensure we meet one of the seven key points of the Greening Policy: that we achieve targeted outcomes through the active involvement of our staff. 4. The main activities of the Group are summarised below: a) The Authority has received a Silver Award from the Green Tourism Business Scheme (GTBS) following an audit of the Grantown Offices. b) The GTBS audit itself has produced a detailed set of benchmark assessments on our policy and practice which will allow the Group to identify areas of change which should be given priority in the future. c) Transport: the Group consulted members of staff on the replacement of pool vehicles and we have consequently replaced one vehicle reducing CO2 emissions from 184g/km to 135g/km. Average pool car use currently stands at 19,000 miles per annum, which will represent a reduction in annual CO2 emissions of around 1.5 tonnes. Replacement of two further pool cars is under consideration. d) Public Transport: the Group has promoted the use of trains for business trips to Glasgow and Edinburgh. The Group notes the Board’s qualification to the Greening Policy, which set out the difficulties of seeking to use public transport in rural areas such as the Cairngorms. However, we are asking all Heads of Group to promote actively the use of trains by staff, especially those based in Grantown. e) We are drawing out baseline data on transport use with which to assess the future impact of revised travel policies. f) We have considered Loch Lomond and the Trossachs NPA’s draft Green Travel Plan to determine if we can pick up any actions identified there to apply to the Authority’s own circumstances. Much of this is already covered by our own plans, or not appropriate to a very rural work environment. However, we will be further considering policies on more flexible working arrangements, aimed at reducing total travel, with the Management Team and Staffing and Recruitment Committee. g) We have switched to use of biodegradable cleaning materials. h) We are implementing targets for procurement of recycled paper products. i) We have engaged staff in encouraging reduction of energy use, requesting electrical equipment to be turned off at the end of each day and not left on stand by, asking Heads of Group to reinforce this. j) Staff are voluntarily composting organic kitchen waste. k) The Group is developing a detailed forward action plan, identifying officers responsible for implementing agreed action. Carbon Levy 5. The Scottish Executive has requested that the Authority consider a “carbon levy” scheme, whereby we make an additional payment to some form of carbon capture scheme for each air and car journey and hence seek to offset some of the emissions caused. We are eager to minimise any administration caused by this request. Hence, rather than implement a scheme where we calculate a levy amount for each trip, we intended to take an overview of our business travel towards the end of the year and calculate a total levy payment at that time. 6. Members of the Authority’s staff have already voluntarily established a “social conscience” group and we may seek to pay some or all of the carbon levy amount to that group, on the condition that it is paid out to local “carbon capture” initiatives. Future Action 7. The Group will report again to the Audit Committee on further progress with the Organisational Greening Action Plan in due course. 8. In the meantime, this update will be notified to the Board by way of the Audit Committee’s Annual Report. DAVID CAMERON 6 December 2006 davidcameron@cairngorms.co.uk